March 4, 2024|
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Sometimes, as we work to simplify our lives at TRR, we come across really simple solutions. We just had never considered them before now.

Like everybody we knew, we had a standard knife block on our kitchen countertop for years. We never loved it, but it was handy and it was “what everyone else did.” When the kids were very young, the block was actually perched on top of the refrigerator for safety reasons. Talk about inconvenient! Then came the countertop years. It worked fine, but it was just one more thing on an already-too-crowded surface.

When we moved to TRR, part of our decluttering included the kitchen, especially the countertop. We had always preferred that our run of heat/stain resistant material be as clear as possible, but we never achieved the goal. Here was our chance! We moved the small appliances to the pantry and only have them on the countertop when in use. Turns out, it was the same with the knife block. And that means we are “knives in” rather than “knives out” these days.

Category: Simplify

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